Church of Pentecost

Al Qusais industrial Area 1, Dubai


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Sunday 8:30am to 11:30 am

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The esteemed Apostle Samuel Appiah, who has since passed, was dispatched on missions to Mauritius in 2013. Upon his arrival, obtaining permanent residency posed a challenge. Consequently, in divine wisdom, the church reassigned him to Dubai as a resident missionary of a local church.
Upon arrival at Dubai Airport, Apostle Appiah, then serving as a pastor, awaited the church’s welcome, only to receive a call informing him of the church’s dissolution. Feeling lost and disheartened in a foreign land, he hailed a cab and directed the driver to a budget hotel, where he pleaded for accommodation, feeling utterly adrift.
Acting swiftly, he contacted Elder William Okrokoko, who had passed away, and, through his provided contacts, reached Deaconess Dora and Brother Eugene. They, in turn, mobilized Pentecostal believers in the UAE, pledging support to establish a new church.
One day, while at his hotel, the Holy Spirit prompted him to wear an evangelical T-shirt. This chance encounter with a Pentecostal deaconess bolstered his spirits, both financially and emotionally. Encouraged, he convened the first service at Concord Hotel, attended by Elder Tony, Deaconess Dora, Victoria, and others.
Their gatherings for Bible study and fundraising gradually expanded the church’s reach, enabling them to move to larger premises within a year, all by the grace of God.
In the following year, his wife joined him, and despite lacking transportation, they traversed the scorching UAE streets to minister and visit congregants. Within a year, he resolved to extend his mission to other Middle Eastern countries, beginning with Qatar, where a church was successfully established.
Two years later, he embarked on establishing a church in Bahrain, despite formidable challenges, which God’s grace helped overcome.
As his activities attracted scrutiny from Dubai authorities, he sought counsel from the Chairman and IMD, who advised him to maintain vigilance and prayer. Subsequently, during a meeting with authorities, his responses, guided by the Holy Spirit, assuaged concerns and earned their approval.
However, his journey encountered a setback in Seychelles, where he faced detainment over a Bible study book found in his possession. Through divine intervention, he was released and went on to formalize the church’s presence in Seychelles.
Undeterred, he continued to establish churches across the Middle East, with pastors now overseeing congregations in several nations.
The onset of Covid-19 threatened the continuity of their mission, but Apostle Appiah persevered, hosting services and prayer gatherings in the mission house.
Concerned about membership and the church’s stability, he endeavored to secure a permanent location for worship. With the assistance of elders, they scouted for a suitable venue, eventually establishing a permanent church and mission house in the UAE.
May God bless the legacy of the late Apostle Samuel Appiah and the endeavors of the church.

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